Saturday 30 July 2016

Been a long time

So two months *Chirp chirp* yes its been quiet.
What have i been up to? Well Ive taken a break from proper wargaming for a bit, Just dont have the mojo for it and i struggle to want to paint or anything. What does this mean for the blog? Not a lot haha, i just wont post as often.
My wife and i have become pretty keen on board games of late and have been playing them very frequently and including the kids where we can. Its a nice change that requires less hobby time and can knock out a game pretty quickly rather then taking up a whole day for a club meet.
Some pictures of the goings on at home. Love Eldritch Horror, so much fun.

Well till next time.

Zombicide Black Plague 

Dice Masters
 Marvel Monopoly
 Marvel Muchkin
 Eldritch Horror
 The collection grows

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